Химическая формула: LiInSe2
Группа симметрии: Pna21
Плотность (г/см3): 5.46
Твердость по шкале Мооса: 4
Диапазон прозрачности (мкм): 0.46 – 14
Оптическая стойкость (МВт/см2): 40 (1064 нм, 14 нс)
Показатель преломления:  nx – 2.2977, ny – 2.3390,  nz – 2.3486 (l = 1.0 мкм)
Нелинейные коэффициенты (пм/В): d31 = 11.78, d24 = 8.17 @2.3 мкм
Качество обработки: 30/20 (царапины/точки)
Плоскостность: λ/4 (546 нм)
Параллельность рабочих поверхностей: менее 40”

1. Isaenko L., Yelisseyev A., Lobanov S., Rotermund F., Petrov V., Slekys G., Zondy J.-J. A new ternary chalcogenide crystal for nonlinear optical applications in the mid-infrared: LiInSe2. CLEO, OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2002), paper CFJ3

2. Isaenko L., Yelisseyev A., Lobanov S., Petrov V., Rotermund F., Slekys G., Zondy J.-J. LiInSe2: A biaxial ternary chalcogenide crystal for nonlinear optical application in the midinfrared. Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 9475-9480

3. A.P. Yelisseyev, V.A. Drebushchak, A.S. Titov, L.I. Isaenko, S.I. Lobanov, K.M. Lyapunov, V.A. Gruzdev, S.G. Komarov, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy. Thermal properties of the mid-infrared nonlinear crystal LiInSe2. Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004) 3659-3665

4. A.P. Yelisseyev, A.S. Titov, K.M. Lyapunov, V.A. Drebushchak, L.I. Isaenko, S.I. Lobanov. Thermal and thermo-optic parameters of LiInSe2 single crystals. Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2004) e1679–e1684

5. L. Isaenko, I. Vasilyeva, A. Merkulov, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov. Growth of new nonlinear crystals LiMX2 (M=Al, In, Ga; X=S, Se, Te) for the mid-IR optics. Journal of Crystal Growth 275 (2005) 217–223

6. V. Vedenyapin, A Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, V.Petrov, J-J. Zondy. LiInSe2 nanosecond optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters 30 (2005) 2460-2462

7. J.-J. Zondy, V. Vedenyapin, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, V. Petrov. LiInSe2 nanosecond optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters 30 (2005) 2460-2462

8. L. Isaenko, A.Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, P. Krinitsin, V. Petrov, J.-J. Zondy. Ternary chalcogenides LiBC2 (B = In, Ga; C= S, Se, Te) for mid-IR nonlinear optics.  Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353 (2006) 2439-2443

9. J-J. Zondy, V. Petrov, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko, S. Lobanov. “Orthorhombic crystals of lithium thioindate and selenoindate for nonlinear optics in the mid-IR” » in Springer -Verlag Book “Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Application” 2007, Springer, Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Eds.: Majid Ebrahimzadeh and Irina Sorokina, pp. 67-104.

10. G. Marchev, A. Tyazhev, V. Vedenyapin, D. Kolker, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, J-J. Zondy, V. Petrov, Nd:YAG pumped nanosecond optical parametric oscillator based on LiInSe2 with tenability extending from 4.7 to 8.7 um. OPTICS EXPRESS 17 (2009) 13441-13446

11. G. Marchev, A. Tyazhev, V. Vedenyapin, D. Kolker, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, J-J. Zondy, V. Petrov. Broadly tunable LiInSe2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Nd:YAG laser. Proc. of SPIE 7487 (2009) 74870F-1-74870F-9

12. Valentin Petrov, Jean-Jacques Zondy, Olivier Bidault, Ludmila Isaenko, Vitaliy Vedenyapin, Alexander Yelisseyev, Weidong Chen, Aleksey Tyazhev, Sergei Lobanov, Georgi Marchev, Dmitri Kolker. Optical, thermal, electrical, damage, and phase-matching properties of lithium selenoindate. JOSA B 27 (2010) 1902-1927

13. M. Beutler, I. Rimke, E. Buttner, V. Petrov, L. Isaenko. Difference-frequency generation of fs and ps mid-IR pulses in LiInSe2 based on Yb-fiber laser pump sources. OPTICS LETTERS 39 (2014) 4353-4355

14. I.G. Vasilyeva, A.A. Pochtar, L.I. Isaenko. Origin of solid solution in the LiInSe2-In2Se3 system. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 220 (2014) 91-96

15. L.I. Isaenko, A.P. Yelisseyev. Recent study of nonlinear crystals for the mid IR. Semiconductor Science and Technology 31 (2016) 123001

16. Valeri A. Drebushchak, Ludmila I. Isaenko, Sergey I. Lobanov, Pavel G. Krinitsin, Sergey A. Grazhdannikov. Experimental heat capacity of LiInS2, LiInSe2, LiGaS2, LiGaSe2 and LiGaTe2 from 180 to 460 K. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 129 (2017) 103-108

17. K. Siemek, A.P. Yelisseyev, P. Horodek, S.I. Lobanov, A.A. Goloshumova, A.V. Belushkin, L.I. Isaenko. Optical and positron annihilation studies of structural defects in LiInSe2 single crystals. Optical Materials 109 (2020) 110262

18. A.V. Belushkin, A.A. Bogdzel, A.A. Goloshumova, L.I. Isaenko, S.I. Lobanov, V.M. Milkov, A.Yu. Tarasova, A.P. Yelisseyev. Study of LiInSe2 Single Crystals for the Thermal Neutron Detection. Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques 14 (2020) S15–S18

19. O. Daulbaev, L. I. Isaenko, A. A. Bogdzel’, S. I. Lobanov, P. G. Krinitsyn, V. M. Milkov, A. V. Belushkin. Comparative Study of LiInSe2 Single Crystals for Thermal-Neutron Detection. Crystallography Reports 67 (2022) 464–469

20. Victor V. Atuchin, Ludmila I. Isaenko, Sergei I. Lobanov, Alina A. Goloshumova, Maxim S. Molokeev, Zhaoming Zhang, Zhang Xingyu, Xingxing Jiang, Zheshuai Lin. Anisotropic thermal expansion and electronic structure of LiInSe2. Molecules 27 (2022) 5078

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